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cancellation policy

If you wish to cancel or change the date and time of your reservation, please contact us by 20:00 (excluding holidays) three days in advance. You can contact us by phone, email, or our official LINE account.

On the day of reservation: 100% of the boarding fee

Cancellation without notice: 100% of the boarding fee

3 days or less before the reservation date: 50% of the boarding fee

*Cancellation fees will also be charged if you change the reservation details, such as changing the date.

[About being late] If you are going to be late for your reservation, please contact us as soon as possible. If you do not arrive 15 minutes after your reservation time or if we do not hear from you, your reservation will be canceled without notice. Please note that if you arrive late, the menu may be served in less time than the reserved menu or we may not be able to provide the reserved menu.


If transportation is delayed or canceled due to bad weather, there will be no cancellation fee if you call us.

・Whether or not the boat will operate in bad weather will be determined on the morning of the day. Contact on the day: 090-1991-1315 (Abe)

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